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Your reliable HR partner in Europe. We make hiring simple

We take care of people
while you can take care of business


Whether you need a job or you want to expand your business, attract new talents or complete a large project - we are here to make it happen. Our core culture is based on transparency, professionalism and diversity.

Employee well-being

At EEJ we believe that the people come first. We always want to be sure that our employees have good work conditions, opportunity for development and professional growth, they are treated well in their work environment and they feel secure especially when it comes to international talent.

Cultural diversity

One of our biggest strengths is our extensive experience of working with different nationalities. We bring people together from a diverse set of backgrounds and cultures, create an environment that not only recognizes the differences between those cultures and backgrounds, but celebrates them. Doors of EEJ are open for everyone.

Individual approach

We maximally focus on matching the needs and expectations of each of our clients without exception. In order to maintain this strategy, we have developed a concept of an individual approach to clients where each of our clients will be treated in a unique and distinct way.

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Salary change in 2024

Poland has been attracting foreigners who wish to change their lives for a long time. Apart from wo…

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